Penzion Ve Skale (Hotel in the Rock)

Accommodation below the castle Loket near Karlovy Vary

Penzion Ve Skale (Hotel In The Rock) offers accommodation below the castle Loket with castle view from every room. Hotel rooms are equipped with private bathroom, Wi-Fi and TV-SAT. In the hotel there is a unique lounge literally “In The Rock” suitable for private or corporate events. We have rock walls inside the building! Nearby city Karlovy Vary (Karlsbad) is only 8km (10 minutes) away from Loket town. We provide an ideal background in the heart of Karlovy Vary (Karlsbad) spa region.

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We offer accommodation in 3 objects in town Loket

Penzion Ve Skále

Loket, Penzion Ve Skále

Bathroom: Private | Breakfast: Yes
More information: rooms, pricelist
Bookable all year

Hostel Loket

Hostel Loket

Bathroom: Shared | Breakfast: No
More information: rooms, pricelist
Summer season: May – October

Hostel Sokolov

Sokolov, Domov mládeže

Bathroom: Private | Breakfast: No
More information: rooms, pricelist
Opened: June-August

FVE Penzion Ve Skále

Projekt FVE pro Penzion Ve Skále
s reg. č. CZ.31.3.0/0.0/0.0/22_001/0005964
je spolufinancován Evropskou unií.

Cílem projektu je instalace fotovoltaické elektrárny (včetně akumulace) sloužící pro vlastní spotřebu žadatele. Za pomoci využití obnovitelných zdrojů dojde k optimalizaci zajištění elektrické energie pro podnikatelskou činnost.

Penzion Ve Skále v Lokti hodnocení