West-bohemia spa triangle
VIDEO: Karlovy Vary
We recomend you to start the tour on T.G.Masaryk boulevard or at Thermal Hotel. Along the collonade gallery, where all of the springs are located, you come to the Pupp Grandhotel. From here you can take a cablerail ride to Diana sight tower, which offers a beautiful panorama.
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Františkovy Lázně
VIDEO: – Františkovy Lázně
Beautiful, even when small. Their core ist the modern Národní třída with a collonade gallery and a Franz Spring pavillon. It stil keeps the feeling of the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, when the european spa industry boomed.
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Mariánské Lázně
VIDEO: – Mariánské Lázně
World wide known spa with several mineral springs. The singing fountain in front of the collonade gallery is an object of attraction. Specific for it’s urbanic concept too, where parks, buildings and forrests meet.
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Other interesting towns in Western Bohemia
VIDEO: – Cheb
For it’s architectonical uniqity declared 1981 to town monument zone. The Cheb Castle with the Black tower and a two storeyed chapel ist one of the most beautiful middle european romanic monuments.
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Curiosities of west bohemian towns
Jan Becher museum
VIDEO: Jan Becher muzeum
Visit the Becherovka museum on the T.G.Masaryk boulevard in Karlovy Vary. The degustation of three kinds of the liquor is a part of the tour. More Information.
Christmas house
Christmas house in Karlovy Vary is the first and the only in the Czech Republic, full of hand-painted decorations, angel babies, trees, lights, candles… People come here for inspiration, to do shopping, to relax, to remember and to soak in the chrismas feeling. More information.
Excursion to the underground of the colonnade
Under the colonnade floor there is a place for pumping, distribution and thermal regulation of the hot spring water. There are also spaces where the Karlovy Vary souvenirs are “growing” in the spring. A tourist trail has been put into operation in the old part of the spring underground since 2008. The tour starts with a geological model that will introduce you to the foundation of the Hot Spring Colonnade.